First Floor


Second Floor


Reception Desk

Attendee agrees not to hold Argentine Tango USA Official Championship & Festival or Park US Lessee Holdings, Inc., San Jose Lessee, LLC d/b/a Double Tree by Hilton San Jose or their officers, employees, shareholders, contractors and agents, (collectively “the Group”) in any way responsible for harm or injury known or unknown at the time of release including exposure to or contracting COVID-19 as a result of attending or participating in the event and agrees to bring no claim or action at law or of any kind against the Group. Attendee by registering acknowledges that dancing and participating in crowd activities may pose special risks of injury and harm inherent in sport, group activity and physical activity. Attendee waives and hereby releases the Group named above individually and collectively from any liability for harm, damage, or injury, and agrees to bring no claim, action, lawsuit against the Group, separately or collectively. Attendee agrees that only California law shall apply to this contract and to the relationships between the Group and attendee, and that the venue for any claims or actions shall be Santa Clara California. Attendee in making this release acknowledges that Attendee has been informed of the following:
California Civil Code Section 1542 provides:
A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.
Attendee nevertheless waives the benefits of Civil Code Section 1542 and releases claims which are unknown or not suspected to exist at the time of making this general release.
Attendee agrees that members of the Group (Argentine Tango USA Official Championship & Festival or Park US Lessee Holdings, Inc., San Jose Lessee, LLC d/b/a Double Tree by Hilton San Jose) may exchange information concerning lists Attendees or hotel room occupants registering in connection with the Event.
Personal identification information
We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, place an order and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card information. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously.
Non-personal identification information
We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.
Web browser cookies
Our Site may use “cookies” to enhance User experience. User’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly.
In registering for the ATUSA Official Tango Championship & Festival event, Attendee gives permission to the Group to use any photos or videos taken of Attendee during the event. The photos and videos may be posted on the internet or any web sites and/or on, Facebook or other media.
How we use collected information
We may use collected information for the following purposes:
How we protect your information
We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.
Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over an SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures.
Sharing your personal information
We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above. We may use third party service providers to help us operate our business and the Site or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out newsletters or surveys. We may share your information with these third parties for those limited purposes provided that you have given us your permission.
Compliance with children’s online privacy protection act
(Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our Site from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13).
Changes to this privacy policy
(The Group (also termed” We”) has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we send you an email. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications).
Your acceptance of these terms
By using the Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy and terms of service. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.
Dates: August 7 to 20, 2021
COST (calculated for a group of at least 8 people)*:
EARLY BIRD Making your deposit by May 30: $3,300 per person in double occupancy.
LATE REGISTRATION till June 20: $3,500 in double occupancy.
(*) PLEASE NOTE that due to the changes in the currency prices might go up (if necessary we will do an update in February 2021).
Airfares are not included in the price, every participant has to purchase their own tickets.
Remaining balance to be paid by July 7.
OPTIONAL EXCURSIONS & SIDE TRIPS available upon request:
Full Refund till June 1st, 2020
Full Refund minus $600 till June 20, 2020
Full Refund minus $1,600 till July 7, 2020
NO refunds from July 8, 2020
Inquiries and more info: [email protected]
Festival Registration and Refund Policy for 2022
GENERAL RULES for all competitors:
Entry to both categories is open to amateurs and professionals*.
1. To be eligible to register, dance partners must be 18 years of age at the start date of the competition and must demonstrate – with legal documents * – a minimum of 1 (one) year of residence within the area of influence of the corresponding Preliminary (the USA).
* You must bring a proof of citizenship or residency in the United States for the past year (for example US passport, green card, residential lease, student ID or work visa)
2. No one will be allowed to register two or more times in the same category, but a person can register in
different ones, with the same or a different partner. If both members of the couple are natives or
residents of different cities, they will have to choose the city of residence or birth of either one, as
couples are allowed to represent only one city.
3. The following individuals will not be allowed to compete: staff of the BA FESTIVALS; organizers of
Official Preliminaries and jury members of Tango Buenos Aires Festival and Dance World Cup and its
preliminaries; sponsors and/or staff of companies that sponsor the PRELIMINARY, or another person
with a permanent or temporary relationship with the Office of Festivals.
4. Participants that have seriously breached the competition rules and have been disqualified or
eliminated of previous editions of any Preliminary Competition, Buenos Aires Tango Championship or
Dance World Cup will will not be allowed to compete. The elimination must have been instrumented in
an official document with the due endorsement of BA FESTIVALS.
5. A registration cannot be shared and is not transferable.
6. If a contestant withdraws from the competition after the registration fees have been paid, no refund of the registration fees will be granted.
7. A registration and subsequent check‐in implies knowledge and acceptance of these Rules and the Evaluation Criteria by each one of the participants.
1. In order to check in, all contestants previously registered must attend on the date and time specified
by THE ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary, with their national ID card or passport (original copy).
(e.g. green card or US passport to certify the place of birth or residence. In the in the case of participants with a different nationality and no green card, they should attend with a valid work visa which allows them to stay/reside in the USA and /or a valid rent/working contract issued more than a year before the date of the competition).
At this opportunity, they will receive the order number and be informed of the approximate dates and times
on which they will perform in the different stages of the corresponding category.
Those who do not check in will not be able to participate in the championship. A delay will only be
considered in duly proven cases of force majeure, except in the event of circumstances of public
2. At the time of check‐in, contestants will have to complete a form with their personal information, and
with any other additional information required by THE ORGANIZATION. On this form, they shall inform
if they have had a work, professional or personal relationship with any member of the jury from the
competition, in the last 6 months (180 days) prior to the championship, such as: having a personal and
affectionate relationship with one or more members of the jury; having taken private classes with one or
more members of the jury; presenting a choreography in Stage Tango that has been created, reviewed
or prepared with one or more members of the jury; having one or both dancers of the couple hired one
or more members of the jury – or been hired by one of them- to participate in the same event, performing
exhibitions or giving classes within it. This statement made by the contestants will be evaluated by the
supervisor and checked with the members of the jury in order to define if any of them will need to refrain
from scoring any participant.
3. All the information provided at the time of check‐in will be considered a sworn statement. Any
contradiction in the information, subsequent to the signature, may be penalized by THE
ORGANIZATION with the subtraction of points, disqualification from the competition, or any other
resolution that this body may establish.
4. The national ID card or passport and the registration form must be shown at every stage of the
5. All championship contestants commit themselves to participate in various ceremonies and events
planned by THE ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary—such as press conferences, interviews for radio
stations and over‐the‐air or cable television channels, etc.—if they are summoned for such purpose.
1. The competition, in both categories, can be developed in 3 (three) stages, according to the schedule
established by THE ORGANIZATION: a) Qualifying Round, b) Semifinal, c) Final.
a) Qualifying Round: All registered couples will participate. They will dance one time or twice (on
the same or on a different day) according to the schedule. First Qualifying round on Thursday April 9 and Second Qualifying round on Friday April 10, 2020.
b) Semifinal: Couples that have been selected in the Qualifying Round will participate on Saturday April 11, 2020.
c) Final: Couples that have been selected in the Semifinal will participate on Sunday April 12, 2020.
In the Tango de Pista category, couples will compete in group performances, dancing to three recorded songs, selected by selected by THE ORGANIZATION
In the Stage Tango category, each couple will compete individually, dancing to one song of their choice. The music piece shall not exceed four (4) minutes and must be handed in to THE ORGANIZATION in
digital format (mp3 file, storaged on a Flash Memory Drive) during the check-in instance. In that same
instance, participants must state the name and surname of the author or authors of the choreography
they will present (as it will be requested in the form to be completed). Couples may present different
choreographies in the different stages of the contest.
2. At the time of the competition, at least ten couples must attend the qualifying rounds for the competition to be considered official (regardless of the number of couples previously registered). Otherwise, the championship will cease to be official and the winning couple will not be classified to compete in the semifinal instances of TANGO BUENOS AIRES FESTIVAL AND DANCE WORLD CUP 2020 (see PRIZES).
3. The Organization will be entitled to eliminate from the competition those participants that:
a) Do not comply with the rules.
b) Commit any moral offense or improper act that tarnishes the image of the Championship or
may cause displeasure in the public.
4. In order to ensure the impartiality and professional integrity of the jury members, contestants will not be able to participate in seminars, workshops and/or classes taught by any member of the jury, as long as they are in the competition. (This means that in the case a competing couple is eliminated, they are allowed to register to classes and take privates lessons as they will no longer be competing).
4. THE ORGANIZATION will be entitled to eliminate from the competition those participants that:
a) Do not comply with the rules;
b) Carry out, in the context of or on the occasion of the Competition, inside and outside its facilities, any action of physical and/or verbal aggression against any person, whether participant, member of the jury or the staff, or general public.
In the presence of any of these assumptions, THE ORGANIZATION and BA FESTIVALS will implement
the disqualification or elimination of competition, for either or both competitors, through documentation
proving the reasons for the measure.
5. In order to ensure the impartiality and professional integrity of the jury members, contestants will not
be able to participate in seminars, workshops and/or classes taught by any member of the jury, as long
as they are in the competition
1. In both categories, the jury will be composed of a minimum of 4 (four) members, who— understanding
and accepting the rules of the competition, and committing to their compliance—will determine the
score of the participating couples. The juries will be appointed in accordance with BA FESTIVALS and
THE ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary.
2. All the decisions of the jury will not be subject to appeal. By enrolling, participants accept this condition.
In case of distrust or disagreement, participants may submit a written statement (in Spanish or English)
to THE ORGANIZATION and NOT directly to the panel of evaluating judges. Any jury member who
may have had a work relationship or been the teacher of any of the participants of the Preliminary for
a period of at least 6 months close to the beginning of the competition, may refrain from scoring such
participant. For this purpose, both the voluntary statements of the Jury and the information provided by
participants when enrolling will be taken into account. In these cases, to get the couple’s final score,
the judges’ scores will be added, and this amount will be divided by the number of jury members who
actually voted.
The final score for each performance will result from the accumulation of points, given by each member
of the jury on a scale of 1 to 10 (with decimals), in accordance with the criteria described in the EVALUATION CRITERIA per category (mandatory document, please read below).
3. The jury will choose a winning couple in each category. Also, the jury (with the agreement of THE
ORGANIZATION) may grant awards and special mentions to the second and third place, and will be
entitled to award other mentions if deemed appropriate.
4. In exceptional cases (power interruption, incidents on stage, etc.), the jury and the supervisor may
determine that contestants should dance to additional songs to arrive at a fair verdict. Participants may
not refuse to perform.
5. In case of a tie, the couples with the same final score will have to break the draw, either by dancing
two additional songs in the Tango de Pista category, or by performing a new choreography in the stage
tango category, until a winning couple emerges from the votes of the jury.
Appointed by BA FESTIVALS, the Supervisor will bear the responsibility of ensuring the compliance of
the present Rules and properly solve any inconvenience not considered in these Rules and establish
or inform about the clarifying or interpretative rules that he considers necessary.
THE ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary reserves the right to record all the stages of THE
COMPETITION, by any means known or to be known—including but not limited to filming, recording,
photographing, digitalization, etc.—by itself or third parties, in order to promote and advertise the event.
The recorded material obtained will be exclusive property of THE ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary,
who will have to turn a copy of it, as established by the Collaboration Agreement, to BA FESTIVALS.
By entering the Championship, participants explicitly and irrevocably authorize the use of the recorded
material, without this suggesting—or implying—any compensation for any reason whatsoever by THE
ORGANIZATION of the Preliminary and/or BA FESTIVALS, in favor of any person or organization that
claims entitlement to any right that may be invoked. This clause also includes, without limitations, all
photographic material published and/or made available for promotion, advertisement, etc.
A couple’s registration and subsequent check‐in implies knowledge and acceptance of these Rules by
each one of the participants.
*Clarification about dance level: Participation in both “Tango de Pista” and Stage Tango Categories competitions are open to everyone. Professional dancers and amateur dances of intermediate level and above compete in the same category according to the rules established by Tango Buenos Aires Dance World Cup. Adherence to these rules qualifies our competition to be recognized as valid by the main Buenos Aires event.
The distinction between a “professional” and “amateur” dance has less to do with the level of skill and more with a professional status of the dancers. “Professional” means that dancers make a living from teaching and dancing/performing tango, and “amateur” means that they do not, but it does not always imply that the level of the professional couple dance is superior to the level of the amateur couple.
There are dancers for whom tango is their main source of income. They are likely to be good instructors, but their level of dance and performance can vary: the professional couple can be excellent at dance or not so great. On the other hand, there are good amateur couples who do not teach tango and get no income from performances, but have achieved an exceptional level of dance. There is also the case of stage dancers who only dance choreographed pieces, but are helpless when it comes to social dancing: they cannot dance in milongas. Finally, there are very skilled social dancers (people who only dance in milongas), but who neither teach nor perform tango. They might be excellent salon dancers. To accommodate different ways in which dancers excel at tango, the two divisions for the competition were established: “Tango de Pista” (salon tango; social category for both amateurs and professional) and Stage Tango (performance category for amateur advanced level and professional level dancers).
Stage Tango Group Competition or Showcase Category
Rules for the Vals Category (amateurs and professional dancers)
A. The Qualifying Round: All registered couples must participate. Couples will dance one qualifying round on Sunday April 12, 2020.
B. The Semifinals and Finals:
Specific Rules for the Salon Tango Senior Category
Couples will compete in groups, dancing three tango songs previously selected by the Committee.
This category will consist of two stages divided in two days as long as there are at least 12 registered couples.* (For the case of less than 12 registered couples, the competition will consist of one stage happening on Thursday July 7, 2022):
– The Qualifying Round: All registered couples must participate. Couples will dance one qualifying round on Thursday July 7, 2022.
*If there are 11 or less registered couples, there will be no elimination, and the Champions, 2nd and 3rd places will be announced on Friday evening.
– The Finals: If there are 12 to 20 couples registered, the couples selected at the qualifying round will dance a final round on Friday and the Champions, 2nd and 3rd places will be announced that same evening.