Alicia Pons

ALICIA PONS has been working in the best milongas of Buenos Aires for more than 25 years. She trained with teachers who inspired her from the beginning: Graciela Gonzalez, Carlos Gavito, Pepito Avellaneda, Tete Rusconi, Pupy and Claudio Castello among others.

Alicia dances and teaches social tango. He specializes in Milonguero style where she deepens the connection, the energetic movements, the mysteries of the embrace and the walking, using the breathing and the interpretation of music as central axes of his classes. The values ​​of tango, such as respect, humility, kindness and generosity, are always enhanced by Alicia; being the objective to enjoy and share the floor with others. The dance is approached from the social aspect. In her classes, Alicia focuses on the connection; the connection with oneself, with the music, with the floor, with the space and with the other dancers.

The pillars of this style are: the simplicity, the joy, the magic of the embrace and the music in order to develop the dance from one´s senses and emotions.

Alicia has been teaching tango snce 1998 both in Buenos Aires and abroad.

  • She has taught group classes at famous milongas and social clubs such as El Juvenil, Pigmaleón, El Beso, Obelisco Tango, Porteño y Bailarín, Plaza Bohemia and Salón Canning.
  • She was one of the maestras at Campeonato Metropolitano (Metropolitan Championship) teaching together with Cacho Dante
  • She has also offered many women styling workshops.

She has performed at important events and Festivals in Buenos Aires at Gral San Martín Theater and at several legendary milongas such as “Cachirulo”, “El Parakultural”, “El Beso”, “Porteño y Bailarin”, among others.


* Alicia has been teaching tango workshops, women styling and has participated at several Tango Festivals from the year 2001 up to date in endless main cities around the world such as Vancouver and Toronto in Canada; Seoul in South Korea; Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand; Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington D.C., Santa Fe (NM), Durham, Lexington, Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Diego, Eugene, Chicago, Madison, Atlanta, Albuquerque, Tucson, Urban Champagne, Denver in the United States

Alicia was invited to teach and perform in Switzerland, Italy and France (Europe) on several occasions.

Besides Argentine Tango, Alicia has three college degrees and two University degrees:

College Degrees:

  • Teacher ´s for Primary Schools
  • Professor of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Professor of Psychology, Pedagogy and Didactics – Higher Institute of Physical Education Federico W Dickens.

University Degrees

  • Bachelor’s in Psychology and Sciences of Education – University of Buenos Aires.
  • Professor of Evolutionary Psychology – University of Buenos Aires.