ATUSA is the sole sanctioned direct branch/preliminary in the United States of Tango Buenos Aires Festival & Dance World Cup/Mundial de Tango de Buenos Aires, which is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, (together, the official highest authorities for Argentine Tango in the world and the responsible entities regarding the organization, program planning and overall execution of the Mundial de Tango de Buenos Aires).

Our next edition will be on Easter Weekend April 17 – 20, 2025 in San Jose, CA.

ATUSA also offers a magnificent TANGO FESTIVAL including tango dance workshops, special workshops (Folklore, Canyengue, Lectures, DJ workshop, etc.), stretching classes, amazing master shows, live music, practicas during the day, matinee milongas and great evening milongas till 3.00 am, which together with the Official US Championship, makes it a staggering, unique high quality Tango Event of international renown.

ATUSA represents TANGO BUENOS AIRES FESTIVAL & DANCE WORLD CUP in the US, offering all competing couples the opportunity to shine in high level competition in front of an Official Jury Panel* formed by professionals of international renown and vast experience, and approved by the two official bodies, Tango BA Dance World Cup (Mundial de Tango), and the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires. Therefore, ATUSA is bound by its rules and regulations.

ATUSA is the only OFFICIAL TANGO entity entitled to hand in Official USA Tango Champion Titles and to send the OFFICIAL US representatives (champions) to compete directly at the SEMIFINAL ROUNDS of the unique TANGO BUENOS AIRES DANCE WORLD CUP every August, – avoiding over 600 couples at the qualifying rounds.

Appointed by the Ministry of Culture of Buenos Aires and the Office of Festivals and Central Events, the designated BA Tango World Cup Auditor will travel to the US to supervise all instances of the competition. The Auditor/Supervisor will bear the responsibility of ensuring the compliance of the Official Championship rules; properly solve any inconvenience not considered in these Rules; establish or inform about the clarifying or interpretative rules that he/she considers necessary and calculate the scores using the Tango BA World Cup formula. 

IMPORTANT: participants in the official categories (Tango de Pista and Stage Tango) must be US Citizens or residents of at least one year by the date of the competition to be able compete. There is no such a nationality/residence restriction for the Vals, Milonga, Salon Tango Seniors, and the “So you think you can Tango?” categories. However, there is a different residence restriction for “Milongueros Del Mundo” category, which is specifically open for dancers from outside the US.


There will be 7 championship categories in 2025, two of which are Official, which means they are represented at the Tango Buenos Aires Dance World Cup/Mundial (see category descriptions below).

 All categories in this Championship (official and non-official) will be evaluated by the Official Judges and audited by the designated Tango BA Dance World Cup Supervisor.

  • “TANGO DE PISTA” – OFFICIAL; open to both social dancers and professional dancers. Residence restrictions apply. This category is bound by the rules and regulations of Tango Buenos Aires Festival and Dance World Cup and will be developed in 3 stages: a) Qualifying Rounds, b) Semifinal, c) Final from Thursday April 17 to Sunday April 20, 2025.
  • “STAGE TANGO” – OFFICIAL; open to both social dancers and professional dancers. Residence restrictions apply. This category is bound by the rules and regulations of Tango Buenos Aires Festival and Dance World Cup and will be developed in 3 stages: a) First & Second Qualifying Rounds, b) Semifinal, c) Final from Thursday April 17 to Sunday April 20, 2025.
  • “MILONGA” –open to both social dancers and professional dancers. No residence restrictions. This category will be take place on Fri April 18, Sat April 19 and Sun April 20, 2025.*
  • “VALS” – open to both to social dancers and professional dancers. No residence restrictions.
    This category will be take place on Fri April 18, Sat April 19 and Sun April 20, 2025.*
  • “SALON TANGO SENIOR” – open to social dancers (amateurs). No professionals allowed. Age restrictions apply. No residence restrictions. This category will take place on Thursday April 17, 2025.*
  • “MILONGUEROS DEL MUNDO” – NEW category open to social dancers and professional couples where at least one partner is not a US resident/citizen. (Tango de Pista rules apply). This category will take place on Saturday April 19, 2025.
  • “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN TANGO?” – open to social dancers (amateurs). No professionals allowed. No residence restrictions. This category will take place on Sunday April 20, 2025.

    * Please not that the schedule might change according to the number of couples registered for the category. You will read more information in Specific Rules & Evaluation criteria.

Register Now!

*TANGO BUENOS AIRES DANCE WORLD CUP (Mundial de Tango de Buenos Aires) is the most impressive tango event in the globe with the greatest international impact. It includes the colossal Tango World Cup and an awesome tango festival for over 10 days. Thousands of dancers and audiences from all over the world come to the city to participate in the various activities offered by this celebration.